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Physicians Mutual Dental Insurance: a Review

Selecting the right dental insurance can be a daunting task, given the myriad policies available, each with its unique coverage
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Selecting the right dental insurance can be a daunting task, given the myriad policies available, each with its unique coverage. To simplify your decision-making process, we've compiled essential information about Physicians Mutual dental insurance, shedding light on key aspects that can help you determine if it's the right fit for your needs.

Physicians Mutual Dental Insurance

Before delving into the specifics, here are some key takeaways about Physicians Mutual dental insurance:

  1. A+ Rating and Extensive Dentist Network: Physicians Mutual dental insurance boasts an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and one of the largest networks of dentists in the United States.

  2. Flexibility in Choosing Dentists: Unlike some dental insurance plans, Physicians Mutual allows you the flexibility to choose any dentist you prefer.

  3. No Deductibles and Quick Coverage: The insurance does not have deductibles, and coverage for preventive care services, such as dental cleanings, begins as soon as your policy takes effect.

Is Physicians Mutual Dental Insurance Worth Considering?

Physicians Mutual, in operation since 1902, has been providing health, life, and dental insurance for over a century. The credibility of Physicians Mutual dental insurance is reinforced by its A+ rating from the BBB and an AM Best rating of A and A+ for financial strength.

This insurance is particularly suitable for those seeking flexibility in their dental coverage. Unlike other plans, Physicians Mutual allows you to choose any dentist you prefer, offering a level of autonomy not commonly found in dental insurance.

What Does Physicians Mutual Dental Insurance Cover?

Physicians Mutual dental insurance covers a wide array of dental care services, offering discounts on procedures when utilizing in-network dentists. Savings can reach up to 36%, making it a cost-effective choice. The extensive network consists of around 500,000 provider locations, providing flexibility while ensuring savings.

Notable features of Physicians Mutual dental insurance include:

  • No Deductibles: The insurance doesn't impose deductibles, and coverage for preventive care starts immediately.
  • Coverage for Over 350 Procedures: This includes routine exams, crowns, fillings, dentures, and more.
  • Timely Coverage for Preventive Care: Immediate coverage for preventive services like dental exams, cleanings, and X-rays.
  • Waiting Periods for Basic and Major Care: A three-month waiting period for basic care services and a 12-month waiting period for major care services.

Three Levels of Coverage with Physicians Mutual

Physicians Mutual offers three levels of coverage, each without deductibles:

  1. Economy Plus: A budget-friendly plan at $30.10 per month.
  2. Standard Plus: Cost-effective coverage at $37.80 per month.
  3. Preferred Plus: The most popular plan at $46.75 per month, offering higher payouts for covered dental services.

Average Out-of-Pocket Costs for Basic Dental Care

The out-of-pocket costs for routine exams, dental cleanings, and X-rays vary based on the chosen plan:

  • Preferred Plus: $18 on average.
  • Standard Plus: $42 on average.
  • Economy Plus: $65 on average.

What Does Physicians Mutual Pay for Major Dental Care Services?

Outlined below is a breakdown of how each plan pays for major dental care services (a routine exam, cleaning two X-rays, a problem-focus exam, root canal and crown) with an average charge of $2,778.21:

Preferred Plus:

-Amount ($)
Average charge$2,778.21
Average network savings– $1,000.15
Preferred Plus benefit– $1,067.00
Your average out-of-pocket$711.06

Standard Plus:

-Amount ($)
Average charge$2,778.21
Average network savings– $1,000.15
Standard Plus benefit– $867.00
Your average out-of-pocket$911.06

Economy Plus:

-Amount ($)
Average charge$2,778.21
Average network savings– $1,000.15
Economy Plus benefit– $654.00
Your average out-of-pocket$1,124.06

Comparatively, the Preferred Plus plan offers more substantial savings for major dental care services at only a slightly higher monthly cost.

Tailored Coverage for Seniors

For older adults seeking dental coverage, Physicians Mutual provides special pricing with no deductibles and no lifetime or yearly limits on dental coverage. Seniors can benefit from coverage for up to 350 procedures, including crowns and dentures. Physicians Mutual Dental earned the title of the Best Dental Insurance for Seniors according to TopTenReviews.

As dental coverage can vary by state and is subject to change, it's advisable to request a free info kit from Physicians Mutual for detailed information about available options in your state.

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